A lot of you have seen me wear this funky bracelet before. It is really cool and has such beautiful organic~like colors that represent water, the sky, the earth! The copper gives it just the right touch! I love this one, it always gets noticed wherever I go!
The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary states that an ARTISAN IS: one that produces something in limited quantities often using traditional methods. Yep, that's me! Artistry originates from the soul and is about expressing one's self. A TRUE artist creates from talent that is found from WITHIN, not from copying another! I want to share my love of art and design with you!
Opinionated Woman - born in PA - lived in FL, TX, VA & IN, obviously - Genius IQ - didn't apply it in school LOL! - married at 18 - mom to first boy at 19 { HE is now in college at 21 }- divorced at 23 - bachelorette - past kitchen, bath & furniture designer - one cat - remarried at 30 to Honey (a.k.a. Scott)- mom again to boy 9, and again to girl 8, and last time to boy 6 - losing my mind, ha ha - added another cat - another outside cat added me -finally got a puppy {named Pepsi} I have been wanting for years - now 40 - present jewelry designer - and artist - and paper~crafter - futurewho knows what ? {SCENTSY CONSULTANT, that's what! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MY REAL 'JOB'!}- Livin' the good life IN LOVE - Nicole
"I am still not all I should be. But I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead." Philippians 3:13; NLT
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What IS Lampwork?
Not everyone understands what "Lampwork" means. SO, in my meager attempt to explain what it is, I hope it clarifies my lust for it!
Simply put, lampwork is: Glass beads made by hand with a torch. Individually made (one bead at a time) by melting skinny sticks of glass (called stringers) onto a non-stopping spinning mandrel (metal stick that makes the bead hole) in order to keep the bead's round symetrical shape. How's that for a run-on sentence??
To realize the patience and talent that goes into EACH and EVERY bead will make you a lover as well! The flowing scrolls take experience, the evenly spaced dots and swirls take a steady hand AND focused eye!
Each bead is a miniature 'Work of Art'! NOW do you understand why I LOVE and APPRECIATE them??
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