Tuesday, May 13

Busy Day...

It was a very busy day today. First, my DH let me sleep until near 8am, which apparently my body must have needed because I didn't even hear HIM get up or ELI get up or JOSH get up! For that matter, even by then, he had Isaac fed and ready and KayLee was tooting around, too!!!!!! So, that tells me my body is still trying to recover from the surgery.

Second, I ordered some COPICs today! I found a really awesome sale, so I took advantage of it and ordered away. I also ordered some wire-stands for the markers to stand in. HOW MANY did I order, you ask? Well, let's just put it this way... I had to order TWO of the wire-stands that hold 72 markers EACH... Yeah, I know. I am bad.

Third, after taking KayLee to preschool I went to get my hair colored and cut. Well, that took over an hour and a half. By the time I got home it was almost time to get KayLee picked up, but first I had to go swap the truck (with Isaac in toe) for the van at the shop. I had dust-buildup in my brakes, so they had to be cleaned up. SO, I did that and then went to pick up KayLee. We went to the bank, went back to pay my hairdresser CASH for doing my hair today and to pre-pay for Josh's and KayLee's haircuts on Thursday... $85.00 poorer today.

Fourth, I got home and FINALLY went through the list of MP3Players that Josh has been wanting for his birthday. I know, his birthday was Saturday, but he has been very understanding and kind about it since I had surgery earlier that week and was pretty much on drugs and bed-ridden until yesterday. He and I looked online and narrowed it down to one. I was about to order when the dentist called and said I missed KayLee's and Eli's appointments this afternoon. I apologized profusely since they just called MONDAY, yes, yesterday to remind me. I blame it on the drugs even though I didn't have any today! HA HA! Scott came home, asked Josh to mow the grass, the MP3Player didn't get ordered, but Scott took over the kids and supper and...

Fifth, I went to bed to lay down horizontal to relieve myself of the stress on my pelvis. I slept THROUGH IDOL!!!!!! ACK!!!!! But, I did enjoy watching Robin Williams on Law & Order SVU with hubby. THEN, after that was over, I did manage to get on here and post the many reasons WHY the next freebie wasn't posted today!

Tomorrow should be a better day. I have some teacher-gifts to make for KayLee's preschool teachers since Thursday is her last day (wiping tears away....) of preschool. BUT, that will put me into the craft room tomorrow, so I should be able to post the freebie by the end of the day tomorrow. Eli has his 2nd tball game tomorrow night, and since I missed the first one on Monday due to exhaustion and NEEDING to lay down, I PROMISED to go to the next one tomorrow. But, seriously as the hours go by, I do find it easier to get through them compared to just hours before... so I am on the up-swing. I should be emailing everyone back by the end of the week! Thanks again for being so patient with this recovery-timeframe; I know it took longer than expected, and I apologize for that. I just didn't know that was going to happen! But don't worry, you can now say...



Unknown said...

I'm glad to hear you are on the up-swing!!!!! AND just in time for our retreat this weekend!!! I hope you are ready to have a great time and laugh alot!!!!!!


Unknown said...

WTH?! You slept thru AI?! I'm so disappointed in you! ;) Glad you're feeling better!
