Monday, October 13

Two for the Show....

Here's two KeyBlings that will be up and showin' off at this weekend's art show! If I don't sell them you can get dibs on either (or both!!) if you email me first! I am making it simple and putting $34 on each one. I think the lighter of the two (on the right) is worth more than that because of all the sterling beads, but I am soooo tired from getting my items together and pricing and packaging, I am just throwing out a price at this point!

I had an exhausting day with Eli and KayLee at home sick, so today was not productive at all in getting things done. Talk about refereeing fights, I can only imagine what people were saying about me in the pharmacy! Anyhoo.... BUT at least they are fine with just some bronchial congestion and a cough or two. No fevers or painful ear infections, just some sore throats and runny noses and a Funny-Sounding KayLee's voice to entertain us!


Back tomorrow with some pics of cards!


Anonymous said...

Miss Nicole~~these two key blings are just *STUNNING* =) I wish I could attend your sister's church sale this weekend as I'd love to look at everyone's creations. I'm sure you will do very well!

LisaL said...

Absolutely GORGEOUS!! Love the color combos. I'm sure these will find a new home quickly. :o) -Lisa
