Tuesday, November 18

Prima 6

I have never seen these in our local scrapbook store, but that isn't saying much! I NEVER go there! I have had so much going on with getting ready for the fall jewelry shows and just life in general, with four kids, that I can't even seem to get near that place! I do hope to get there soon, though, they have a Cricut Cartridge I want sooooooo bad!

ANYHOO... on a PRIMA NOTE: these are called CANDIES! Isn't that just the sweetest??

This is the GUMMI: $14.00 a bucket of flowers, ribbons and rhinestones...

This is the SUGAR: $14.00 a bucket of flowers, ribbons and rhinestones...

and last but not least, this is the TAFFY: $14.00 for the same, but in a different array of colors.

I love these!!!!!!!!!!!! Aren't they great?

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