Monday, April 27

Blog Tour & Details on Cards!

Howdy, Peeps! Are ya havin' fun yet? Are ya getting a little creative-mojo happenin' under your skin from all of these terrific 'STOPS' filled with artistic talent? Well, it is sure getting my blood-a-pumpin', let me tell ya! First, let me introduce myself... My name is Nicole and I am a good'ol paper crafter and jewelry designer from Indiana! I love anything artsy fartsy, so I am all too happy to welcome you to MY STOP #15 on the LateNightStamper's Blog Tour!

Come on over, grab some joe, and enjoy the view! Here's just a couple of cards that I scrambled up usin' the 'AND MANY MOWER' stamp set! Ain't it just the cutest? That little golfin' guy, who reminds me of my dad, is seriously the best image for those favorite golfers in your life! AND what is even more special about this stamp set is that it has a "Happy Father's Day" stamp! WOOHOO!! Gotta LUUUUUUUUUUV that! Am I right??

And how about that lawn-mower? HAHA! When I saw it, I was so excited! My dad, you know, the one that looks like the golfer?, well, he has his own lawn-care business! SO! I just KNEW I was going to be getting THIS stamp set, fersure! Yep, folks, this set just says 'DADDY' to me!

ANYHOO, do ya want the details on the cards or what? Well, this first one here, is using kiwi kiss, and so saffron. I know, I know, it doesn't look quite right color-wise, but that's not my fault. For some reason or another, my camera doesn't like the color kiwi-kiss and just can't grasp the correct hue of it. SO, bear with me on this one!

The yellow patterned paper is from 'Walk in the Park' and the green patterned paper is from Urban Garden. I used my scissors to snip the top of the green paper into 'grass-like' strands! Yeah, I know, just ingenious, huh? I was pretty proud of myself, too, HAHAHAW!! The bottom flower images are the flower stamps from the CHEEP TALK stamp set, and I used Versamark ink to stamp those on the kiwi kiss cardstock front. The So Saffron ribbon is the one from the Sale-A-Bration bundle, so if any of you lucky guys got that as one of your SAB incentives, then here's how I used it, feel free to CASE it!

Oh, I guess I should mention that both cards were colored using blender pens and classic ink pads. If you don't know how to do that and want a tutorial of it some time, just leave a comment on this post and I will try to make that happen. And if you leave a comment on this post, you will be entered into a surprise blog candy drawing; notice how I snuck that in? I am wonderin' how many people actually are reading all this!!!

I better hurry, I hear them getting ready to call for ya'll to load back up to head on over to Stop #16!!

OK, now, here's the deets on the next one! I used the 'Walk in the Park' paper set again! LOVE THIS set! I first stamped the golfer onto white cardstock, and also onto the pink floral patterned paper. Then, I cut out his cute shirt and hat from the pink paper and glued them on top of his image that I stamped onto the white cardstock. This, here, is called paper-piecing! SO EASY! Ain't he cute?

I figure that this card would be perfect for those lady golfers!! I wanted to add some femininity to the card; and what says 'feminine' better than PINK?? SO, I highlighted the Pretty in Pink color, brought in the Basic Grey to compliment the pink and floral papers, then used my spiral punch down the one side to give it some texture! I used the winter white taffeta ribbon and my corner rounder to soften it up, just a teensy bit more, again!

So, what did ya'll think? UH, OH! Time's runnin' out! They're boarding you back up to go head over to Lucia's STOP!! Lucia is one terrific lady, let me tell ya! She's just remarkable as an artist and as a coordinator, too! Did ya know that she is the one who got this whole "BLOG TOUR" up and runnin'?? YEAH, that's right! So, be sure to leave her some lovin' and tell her thanks for arranging all of this creative-splender, uh, I mean, splendor!

Oh, and if ya'll are wonderin'... NO, I don't talk at all like I am typin'! I just thought it would be fun to talk a little southern' since this is a wanderin' Blog Tour all over the world! If ya wanna leave me a comment, I would be much obliged, if not, just head on over to Lucia and tell her 'Howdy' from Nicole, the friendliest stamper in the Mid-West!!

EDITED TO ADD 3/28: LINKS HAVE BEEN TAKEN DOWN! It was a TOUR, which has a 'TOURING TIME'! AND like any other tour, the tour doesn't last forever! Thanks to everyone for all of the wonderful comments and compliments, I am STILL feelin' the LOVE!



MJ said...

Great job with this set. I had this set to showcase on my tour too. It is so fun.

Mary Campbell said...

Great job on your cards using this set. Makes me want to buy it. Loved your tour. Thanks, Mary

Dee Tollaksen said...

Great cards, love the paper piecing

Jamie A. said...

Not my kind of set, but I really do like your cards! Nice job.

Patricia said...

I really like your cards. I did the "Walk in the Park" part of this Blog tour and our cards are so different. I love the versatility that it shows.

Chrissi said...

Nicole, you are hilarious!!! ROTFL at your tour voice!! Great job!

Tammy Q Howell said...

Great tour stop! Love your cards and the "grass" is so cute! I wish mine looked like that.

Connie Babbert said...

SO cute! Love all your samples and commentary! This set was my top pick in the mini this time...

Bob Kaiser said...

Great work and a fun stop. I enjoyed your artistic talent and amusing commentary.

Ann Leek said...

Nicole~ I was so excited to see you on the blog tour. How fun! Cute cards!
~Ann Leek

Lucia Kaiser said...

Nicole: I LOVE how you made the grass! So clever! Great job on highlighting this stamp set. Thank you for being on the tour and for all your support!

Cheryl Walker said...

Great job on all of the cards!!

Pam said...

Great job! Thanks for the inspiration!

lisa808 said...

Great samples. This tour is so much fun!

Kathy W said...

this is my favorite set out of mini, like how you used the dsp as grass and paper piecing, plus getting pink on a masculine card to make it work!

Ellen said...

I love that first one with the grass! :)

Tami Black said...

Darling cards -- you did a great job!

Zoe said...

Very nice cards. Thanks for sharing with us.

thinker said...

haha... I did read everything!!!! I love the idea of snipping the paper to look like grass... It looks great!

Jenn D said...

Your cards are both fabulous! They are both so bright and cheery, but I love the paper pieced clothing on card #2.

C. Sage Deerborn said...

I love the golfer in pink.

KellyRae said...

Love the snipped grass tips on your first card and the paper piecing for the second! My DH has a shirt and shorts just about those colors.

Anonymous said...

This is another set that I didn't think had to many possibilites. I just love to see what people create with sets that just seem okay and then turn into a must have!

Unknown said...

I just adore these cute little cards of yours!! That cut "grass" was genius!

Jennifer Scull said...

super cute cards! love the way you made the paper look like grass on the first card - so fun!

Heather A said...

Very creative cards! Love the special details. TFS.

Rachel Bleich said...

I love this set! Thanks for the inspiration!

Jeannie said...

Great cards! I was pleasantly surprised by the first color combo -- so summery but I haven't seen a lot of that combination yet -- love it! TFS!

Rachel B said...

I do actually read the blogs! And I love the "southern" typing going on. too cute. Your cards are adorable, and the pink would work for both male and female golfers since the men tend to wear pink too!
Rachel B

breezeg said...

I love the first card color combination so summery!!! LOVE IT! TFS!

Kate Cecil said...

I love your color combo on the golfer card! Thanks for sharing in on the blog tour fun!!!!

Nancy l :^) said...

Great Job! Love your samples. Don't put me in the drawing as I am part of this Tour #1. Woo-Hoo! Love it!

Stacy Bennett said...

I LOVE the fake little grass on your first card! LOL! So creative! Thanks for your great blog! I just subscribed it to my blog reader!

Unknown said...

Nicole you did a fabulous job, love your grass on that card, very cute! Great watercoloring too! Your post was a blast!
Thank you so much for being a part of the tour. Just wanted to comment, don't need to enter me for the candy!

Stampin' With Angie said...

I love your cards! I have to get some made for my DH (the golfer) and his friends and your card is a wonderful inspiration! :o)

Teri said...

Cute set and great cards! Thanks for the chance to win.

Elise said...

I love both cards! The colors on both are fab. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

wow your cards are fantastic! You did an awesome job showcasing your stamp set! Thank you for sharing!!!

Debbie said...

cute cards!

Unknown said...

OMG!!!! Your cards are just awesome!!! I love love love them and that pink one is great and that one cutting the grass is great....see I love them and will be casing these for sure since I am not very good at guy cards!!!!

Thanks for stopping by my blog for stop #3 and leaving me some love!!!!
Love ya girl!!!

RockerJewlz said...

I'm diggin' this tour...just can't find out where stop #1 is!

Jane said...

Just had to say, loved the cards. But the commentary was so entertaining I hated to see it end!!!
Jane B

carolm said...

love the cards.

cheers ~ carol marbach

Anonymous said...

Awesome cards, love the colors you chose.

Sunflower Stamper said...

Great cards-thanks for sharing!!

Nicole Tugrul said...

Love the cards!! You and Mary Jo have talked me into getting this set!

RockerJewlz said...

Sorry, not sure if I left a comment before....I dig the puns on these cards.

Carpenters' said...

Oh, I love to read! What a SuRpRiSe!! Your blog is too cute and so are your creations! Thanks for sharing.

Margaret Raburn said...

What fun projects! Love your own stamp of creativity you've put onto this set! Thanks for sharing!

Deb said...

Cute cards - the mower one would be perfect for my son!

BoxerBrats said...

I love these samples! There are so few "men" ideas out there! Both are great. Thanks for sharing! The tour keeps getting better and better!

Paul Barber said...

Great job with such a cute set!

Tammy said...

Wow! Your cards are beautiful!! Thank you so much for sharing your talents and time with us in doing this blog tour. You are an incredible artist. I love the grass snipped and the pink on the golf card!!

Elaine said...

Great cards, love this set.

Barbara said...

These are the best I've seen so far with this fun set! LOVE them! Oh....I'm so tempted!!

Nancy L. said...

This was so much fun :)
I love that you used pink in the second card ;) Thanks for sharing!

Alicia said...

Nicole you are a riot!! I kept reading even after the tour. Congrats on the $1000 win that sure is one way to keep you at it.

sue said...

i love that set
thanks for sharing your very cute ideas
sue m

Anonymous said...

Love the cards. Thanks for sharing. Amy B.

Anonymous said...

Hello Nicole-

Thanks for sharing your creations and for a chance to win. Your cards are adorable!

Have a wonderful day!

Julie A.

Unknown said...

I love what youve done with this set!

Kim's Life said...

Love the card! Especially how you did the grass!!! Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Great ideas! I love the funny, punny sets.

Catherine said...

Love your color combos. Great job.

Sharon Canter said...

I just got this set, but haven't used it yet. You have made some very cute cards and I guess I'm just going to have to CASE them! Thanks for sharing......this tour is the BEST!!!!

None None said...

Love the cards you shared with us today - especially the last card. The color combos are fabulous given that it is a manly card. :)

Donna said...

Hi there, Jasper, IN. I'm in Bloomington, IN. Really enjoying your tour and thanks for the inspiration! Hoosier Hugs, right back!

Darlene L said...

I was born a Hoosier--loved living in Indiana again when I was first married. Your examples are dyno! thanks for being a part of this blog hop! Love your Southern accent too--LOL
djstamper2003 at yahoo dot com

Ilene Young said...

Cute cards. Thanks for includin us ladies. I love your color combinations.

Karen said...

Great cards. Love the grass cuttings on the first card. Thank you for sharing your art and inspiration.

Amy S said...

what up! ha-- cute cute cards! and accent too! Glad ALL is OK! Keep us posted!! You SCARED me!

Mary Davis said...

I just love the golfer. I wish I had someone to send this kind of card to. It is calling me to buy it. Great job. Love the cards. Mary Davis

Karen B. said...

Love the grass on the first card!

TABray said...

your cards and your naration in your blog are too cute! I'm loving this tour!

Taylor Chase Graham said...

I love your samples! Thanks so much for sharing!

Chas said...

Hey sista-I love love love the cards!!! Would I expect anything less from you!!!!

Kay said...

What wonderful cards you made!! This set is so cute! Thanks for sharing! Hugs Kay Mespelt (

cathy said...

Loved the card and this stamp set....I read your blog :)

Rhonda said...

The cutting grass card is so cute. I love how you did the grass!

rush8888 said...

a lawn mower! hmm...we had a green one. one thing about su! stamps...memories!

Unknown said...

Great blog, great cards!


Unknown said...

I love your creations!!! Thanks for sharing!!!

Erin said...

Great cards! Thanks for the inspiration. I would definitely love to see a tutorial using the blender pens if you have time! :-)

Anonymous said...

Cute, cute!

Judy Jackson

judystamper at verizon dot net
