They look like they are having alot of fun. Say if your school year is over already when do the kids start school again. Here, they go from beginning of September to end of June.
I have five kids and we created a game called cup wars. We have two 5 gallon buckets, one at each side of our yard (40 feet apart). Each child has a 22oz plastic cup. At the word go, they can run to one bucket and scoop up some water to throw at a sibling. After throwing the water they must go to the OTHER bucket to get the next cup of water. Between the running and the throwing, they have fun and burn off some energy.
The Merriam-Webster's Dictionary states that an ARTISAN IS: one that produces something in limited quantities often using traditional methods. Yep, that's me! Artistry originates from the soul and is about expressing one's self. A TRUE artist creates from talent that is found from WITHIN, not from copying another! I want to share my love of art and design with you!
Opinionated Woman - born in PA - lived in FL, TX, VA & IN, obviously - Genius IQ - didn't apply it in school LOL! - married at 18 - mom to first boy at 19 { HE is now in college at 21 }- divorced at 23 - bachelorette - past kitchen, bath & furniture designer - one cat - remarried at 30 to Honey (a.k.a. Scott)- mom again to boy 9, and again to girl 8, and last time to boy 6 - losing my mind, ha ha - added another cat - another outside cat added me -finally got a puppy {named Pepsi} I have been wanting for years - now 40 - present jewelry designer - and artist - and paper~crafter - futurewho knows what ? {SCENTSY CONSULTANT, that's what! CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT MY REAL 'JOB'!}- Livin' the good life IN LOVE - Nicole
"I am still not all I should be. But I am focusing all my energies on this one thing: Forgetting the past and looking forward to what lies ahead." Philippians 3:13; NLT
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What IS Lampwork?
Not everyone understands what "Lampwork" means. SO, in my meager attempt to explain what it is, I hope it clarifies my lust for it!
Simply put, lampwork is: Glass beads made by hand with a torch. Individually made (one bead at a time) by melting skinny sticks of glass (called stringers) onto a non-stopping spinning mandrel (metal stick that makes the bead hole) in order to keep the bead's round symetrical shape. How's that for a run-on sentence??
To realize the patience and talent that goes into EACH and EVERY bead will make you a lover as well! The flowing scrolls take experience, the evenly spaced dots and swirls take a steady hand AND focused eye!
Each bead is a miniature 'Work of Art'! NOW do you understand why I LOVE and APPRECIATE them??
They look like they are having alot of fun. Say if your school year is over already when do the kids start school again. Here, they go from beginning of September to end of June.
Slip-n-slide is a perfect gift!!
I have five kids and we created a game called cup wars. We have two 5 gallon buckets, one at each side of our yard (40 feet apart). Each child has a 22oz plastic cup. At the word go, they can run to one bucket and scoop up some water to throw at a sibling. After throwing the water they must go to the OTHER bucket to get the next cup of water. Between the running and the throwing, they have fun and burn off some energy.
Now, that looks like LOTS of fun! Wish I had been there!!!! (grin)
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