Thursday, March 13

This Afternoon

Unfortunately, I had to attend to an issue this afternoon that caused me to not get the Freebie finished. Sometimes things come up that have to be pushed in front of the already scheduled things, even if they aren't what you would rather be doing.

I will be out this evening for just a bit. And, once I double check my To Do List from today when I return (gotta make sure I got it all done!), I should be able to face the FREEBIE with excitement! I still need to get ready for this weekend's Crop, and I have to get all of the ironing done for my son who is going to state computer competition this weekend through Tuesday. He has to wear business casual or he gets points deducted from his entire team! How's that for instilling teamwork-ethic? But, I will push those two things off until tomorrow to get the Freebie done tonight.

Have a nice evening!

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