Thursday, April 30
Sneak Peeks!!

Wednesday, April 29
Are you on the edge of your seat?
SheetLoad of Cards is debuting the MAY issue in just a couple of days!! I tried to upload some sneak peeks, but my ISP was down in FOUR counties, so all is screwed up! SO, on that note, just head on over to SHEETLOAD OF CARDS and look at all of the wonderful mini-sneak-peek-creations that are waiting for us on MAY 1st!!!!
Tuesday, April 28
My doctor was pretty positive that the ultrasound (of my leg's veins/artery) would end up with a 'positive' result, so that was scary in itself. BUT when he told me that icing it like I did Saturday and Sunday was worse for it, AND that I tried to stay off of my leg/foot all morning yesterday until my appointment, was bad, too, HE was REALLY worried! Seriously, I don't think I was ever more scared of dying. Facing death really makes you think about getting things 'in order', let me tell you. Anyhoo, I am fine, my xray also showed NO abnormalities, too, so I just need to 'be nice' to my foot/ankle/leg for a bit. Must be all that Turbo Jam! HA!
On the other hand, though, my doctor did call today to tell me that he wants to send Eli (my 1st grader) to Riley's in Indy. Eli was the reason we went to the doctor yesterday in the first place. His allergies had been acting up and I wasn't really sure that it was JUST allergies, so we went and he ended up having bronchitis, sinus infection, allergies and walking pneumonia! He's better today, already, so he will be okay. BUT, apparently Eli showed slight to no growth over the past year, so he wants to rule out a hormone deficiency or whatever. So, we will go for that sooner or later, when they call me with the appointment. So, if you feel like praying, put Eli on your list that he grows some or his hormones kick in a bit more! HA!
I honestly am not that worried; my Josh (19 yr old) had to go to Riley at age 5 and he was put on hormones and nothing happened, which meant he had no deficiency, and he's now taller than me, but still skinny as a rail; but his paternal grandparents were shorter than me, and there aren't any giants in my family. I JUST HAVE SMALL KIDS! Shoot, KayLee (my kindergartner) is FINALLY getting out of some 4T clothes, but not all; and my Isaac (just turned 4) still wears 2T clothes sometimes! But, I guess it is best to rule those bad things out, right?
That wasn't such a "QUICKIE" post, was it? I am going to be busy wrapping up Mother's Day orders over the next couple days, so the blog will be hit or miss for me. I can't wait until JUNE when all this craziness dies down! Just one month to go!

Congratulations to TABray!! Email me your address and tell me your favorite color and I will send you your own Customized Scissor BLING!!!!!!! See the video to know what that is, for all you Blog Tour Hoppers! If you want one, then email me, and I will hook you up, too!
Thanks to everyone for all of those kind comments about my cards! I really do appreciate all the LOVE!
Hugs to all!
Monday, April 27
Blog Tour & Details on Cards!
Come on over, grab some joe, and enjoy the view! Here's just a couple of cards that I scrambled up usin' the 'AND MANY MOWER' stamp set! Ain't it just the cutest? That little golfin' guy, who reminds me of my dad, is seriously the best image for those favorite golfers in your life! AND what is even more special about this stamp set is that it has a "Happy Father's Day" stamp! WOOHOO!! Gotta LUUUUUUUUUUV that! Am I right??
And how about that lawn-mower? HAHA! When I saw it, I was so excited! My dad, you know, the one that looks like the golfer?, well, he has his own lawn-care business! SO! I just KNEW I was going to be getting THIS stamp set, fersure! Yep, folks, this set just says 'DADDY' to me!
ANYHOO, do ya want the details on the cards or what? Well, this first one here, is using kiwi kiss, and so saffron. I know, I know, it doesn't look quite right color-wise, but that's not my fault. For some reason or another, my camera doesn't like the color kiwi-kiss and just can't grasp the correct hue of it. SO, bear with me on this one!
The yellow patterned paper is from 'Walk in the Park' and the green patterned paper is from Urban Garden. I used my scissors to snip the top of the green paper into 'grass-like' strands! Yeah, I know, just ingenious, huh? I was pretty proud of myself, too, HAHAHAW!! The bottom flower images are the flower stamps from the CHEEP TALK stamp set, and I used Versamark ink to stamp those on the kiwi kiss cardstock front. The So Saffron ribbon is the one from the Sale-A-Bration bundle, so if any of you lucky guys got that as one of your SAB incentives, then here's how I used it, feel free to CASE it!
Oh, I guess I should mention that both cards were colored using blender pens and classic ink pads. If you don't know how to do that and want a tutorial of it some time, just leave a comment on this post and I will try to make that happen. And if you leave a comment on this post, you will be entered into a surprise blog candy drawing; notice how I snuck that in? I am wonderin' how many people actually are reading all this!!!
I better hurry, I hear them getting ready to call for ya'll to load back up to head on over to Stop #16!!
OK, now, here's the deets on the next one! I used the 'Walk in the Park' paper set again! LOVE THIS set! I first stamped the golfer onto white cardstock, and also onto the pink floral patterned paper. Then, I cut out his cute shirt and hat from the pink paper and glued them on top of his image that I stamped onto the white cardstock. This, here, is called paper-piecing! SO EASY! Ain't he cute?
I figure that this card would be perfect for those lady golfers!! I wanted to add some femininity to the card; and what says 'feminine' better than PINK?? SO, I highlighted the Pretty in Pink color, brought in the Basic Grey to compliment the pink and floral papers, then used my spiral punch down the one side to give it some texture! I used the winter white taffeta ribbon and my corner rounder to soften it up, just a teensy bit more, again!
Oh, and if ya'll are wonderin'... NO, I don't talk at all like I am typin'! I just thought it would be fun to talk a little southern' since this is a wanderin' Blog Tour all over the world! If ya wanna leave me a comment, I would be much obliged, if not, just head on over to Lucia and tell her 'Howdy' from Nicole, the friendliest stamper in the Mid-West!!
EDITED TO ADD 3/28: LINKS HAVE BEEN TAKEN DOWN! It was a TOUR, which has a 'TOURING TIME'! AND like any other tour, the tour doesn't last forever! Thanks to everyone for all of the wonderful comments and compliments, I am STILL feelin' the LOVE!
Tuesday, April 21
NOT so Quickie Update
I am busy filling Mother's Day orders (and on that NOTE: CHERYL: Just got my crystals in yesterday! I was missing one of yours! You are the next on my beading board; Angie W: I didn't forget, just been busy the last three days! I will email ya soon!) and was busy all day yesterday wrapping up the SheetLoad of Cards submissions! I love the card-making part, but the whole photo-taking I could seriously do without! I need to take a class or something! HA!
The HHGallery was SUPAH fun last weekend! After not being able to be a vendor last year from the surgery that went BAD, it was soooo nice being surrounded by other artisans, musicians and FUN customers. I had some sales, made some new friends (HI MARVIN!) and even had a brief chat with the local newspaper, so I wouldn't be surprised if I am in the paper! I wouldn't know, because I don't get it! HAHA! After opening my big mouth, I was also asked by the newspaper person about writing up an editorial about Art in school and how it is a shame that the arts are slowly being removed from the curriculum. So, I guess that is something else that is now added to the agenda... like I need more to do! BUT, that is seriously something that I feel strongly about, so I will do it eventually.
I am expecting a NICE shipment from Bev at Precious Scraps!! I LOVE designing for her, she gives us free reign on our projects and gives us really awesome kits and goodies! When that shipment comes I will be going crazy with cards and possibly another scrapbook page or two! (SHOCK!!)
Besides all of this, I still have some cards that need to be whipped up for the Christian Paper Crafts Magazine's Fall Debut ISSUE! I better crank out some good stuff since I am going to be the 'Featured Designer' in the mag! OH, and if you haven't heard, this is NOT an e-zine! It is actually going to be printed up and on SHELVES! It may not be in WalMart, but you never know! So, I am very excited about that!
Oh, I forgot! It looks like I am actually safe in saying that Josh's graduation announcements are the next thing to be designed and produced! He has pulled some crap on his grades again, this year, but nothing too bad that it is going to keep him from graduating, THANK GOODNESS!!
I guess if you look over the first four months of 2009, I am doing pretty darn good. Considering I have had some MAJOR (personal) issues in and out of the first quarter, all in all, I think I am on the upswing of things. Trust me, I am not telling you all this to 'toot' my own horn; I just like to share my experiences in hopes that others can get inspired to stretch themselves into trying something new or tackling that obstacle that seems just impossible to conquer! I also like to reflect upon my achievements so that it keeps me going in those times of trials and tribulations. IF I hadn't had some really good things to focus on a week ago or so (when I thought the world was crumbling down upon me), you might have found me in the mental ward at the Hospital. No joke. BUT, I had some pending issues that couldn't be avoided, so this forced me to pull myself together and keep moving forward! THANK YOU, GOD!!!
OH, did I mention the card ministry that I am going to start soon at my church?? Yeah, I KNOW, just another thing to keep me busier than ever! BUT, I have been wanting to do this for over a year now, when my sister told me about her card ministry at her church. I am hoping to get the junior high and senior high schoolers involved in cardmaking! Not just to learn about color, composition, balance and creating, but also to learn the aspect of volunteering their time, giving back to the church and sharing themselves with others! Now, THAT is a ministry!!
What kills me is that everyone thinks that Stay At Home moms like myself have no responsibilities! Did it ever occur to them that since we are at home, we are filling our lives with things that MEAN something to us and our families and NOT sitting around eating bonbons? I mean, HELLO! My hubby is gone for 11 hours a day, WHO do you think does the cleaning, the shopping, the homework, the cooking, the 'upkeep' on EVERYTHING?? I hope this clears things up that just because I am home, it doesn't mean I am 'loafing'!
Well, that is the update for now! I probably won't post again until Thursday unless I come up with something that just commands to be seen on the blog!! It is Mother's Day-time, I have a bunch to do! I will be out at the HHGallery on Friday and Saturday until 2pm. My parents are coming in this weekend, so that is why I won't be out there on Sunday. BUT, if you need anything, just comment on this post and I will get back to you within 24 hours! OK?
Sunday, April 19
I WON $1000.00!!!
Well, they have this thing called WOWY, which stands for Work Out With You, where you go on a 'board', post which work out you will be doing and all the while see who is working out at the same time! And then when you are done, you come back say you are done and then you can chat with others that are done working out, too. I have never done the chat-part, but I do like how you keep track of your workouts on your calendar and also can make yourself a schedule in advance so you don't have to 'wonder' what you should be doing next time. You just log in, it will show you the work out you scheduled, then you go find the DVD for that one, pop it in and work out and then come back, post you are done, and that is it!
Well, guess what!? Every day they give away prizes, ipods, DVD players, digital cameras, camcorders, $300 and a few others, but ONCE a week, a $1,000 PRIZE is given to a winner and this week I WAS PICKED! Can you believe it??? I COULD DIE! I don't know who that coach is, in my pic below, he has never contacted me, or helped me arrange my workouts, but I am probably supposed to go to him when I have questions. If you want to see how to get in on this type of workout, just click on the pic below and it will take you to the Beach Body website to see how you can order any of their DVD work out sets. I LOVE Turbo Jam, seriously the time goes by so fast, even in the 45 minute CardioParty workout! AND, LOOK! You just COULD win a PRIZE for getting FIT!!!!!!!!!! WOOHOO!
I love Chalene in Turbo Jam and will most definitely be getting the Chalene Extreme when I feel I have met my personal goals and sustained them for 4 months or so. That may be light years away, but I am gonna try! I seriously can't believe that I won this money! I know they will take half in taxes, but I don't care, this does me TONS mentally to keep on track to lose this weight and get healthy every day!
Well, I am OFF to go workout! Then I will be out at the HHGallery today from noon-ish to 4pm or so! (See previous post for more info) Come out and see me if you can! I have been such a good girl I haven't tried the homemade icecream, the homemade keylime pie, Pineapple upside down cake or the coconut cake either! That would just sabotage my TJ workouts!! Have a great day!

Friday, April 17
Hate to disappoint...
I have so much on my plate right now, I can't even figure out a place to begin! I am headed out to Holland today to set up my booth at the HOG HOUSE GALLERY. If you don't know what this is, it is basically an old HOG HOUSE (YEP, a real one!) that has been renovated into an Artist's Market of sorts. This is NOT a flea market, where you will find antiques. This is a GALLERY, if you want to call it that, where artists sets up a section in the 'Hog House' and sell their handcrafted wares. There are signs on 161 in Holland that are easily seen to help you find it, so just GO! HAHA! Also, since people are always taken 'aback' by the name of HOG HOUSE, they are renaming it The Gallery next year, I think.
I was supposed to be at the Hog House Gallery last year, but my surgery in May went bad, and things just went downhill from there, so being a vendor at the Hog House never happened. BUT, I am headed there TODAY and they are OPEN NOW!!!!!! YEP, that is RIGHT! You can come out and see me today, Saturday OR even Sunday! I won't be there the entire time the Gallery is open, but my "SCHTUFF" will be! So, even if I am not there, you can STILL SHOP! Isn't that cool? I will be there until around 2pm today, and hopefully will be there all day tomorrow from 10am to 4pm, I think it is. Friday's they stay open until 6pm or so, but I need to come home and get the kids off the bus at 3pm and before that, pick up Isaac at the babysitter's house. Sunday the Gallery opens at NOON and closes at 4pm, or so. I know I will be leaving by 4pm!!
My items, including paper-crafts, will be there for your viewing pleasure until July, and then depending on how busy I am and how my sales go (if it is worth my time, in other words) I will stay at the Gallery until November! There is a splendid BBQ cookout planned over 4th of July weekend, and I hope to be teaching some basic beading classes, as well as some kids' crafts, too! I am going to talk to the head hauncho's today about getting the Gallery's blog started (by myself, if need be!) so you can see pics and read posts about the going-on's of the events there!
Well, I better run! Gotta get unpacked and ready to move into the Gallery! Come out and see me if you can!
Thursday, April 16
Wednesday Winner POSTED!!
Again, my SINCEREST apologies for the delay! Life sucks sometimes! HAHA!
If you look UNDER the video, you will see proof of my horrible morning. This is sampling of what I had to put up with. The little boy who seemingly LOOKS like an angel in the video definately WASN'T one, just BEFORE a forced MORNING NAP!
After yet, MORE FAMILY ISSUES, which we won't get into, I seriously had to lay down too, so I asked Isaac if he wanted to snuggle in my bed, and since he did, I KNEW it was BAD! HAHA! Well, we both got some rest and felt better afterwards UNTIL I realized that I forgot about posting this prior to laying down! UGH!!!!!!!!!!! I just can't seem to get ahead!
I am headed to go do that and then will post it right away! SORRY!!
Wednesday, April 15
Mojo Monday TAKE TWO!
Using the same SaleABration paper set as yesterday and another new stamp set, pastel colors make this one gleam! Don't you just love this sentiment? SO CUTE!! PERFECT for Mother's Day, RIGHT MOM??????? (Guess I can't send this to my Mom for Mother's Day, now that she has seen it!)
Tuesday, April 14
MOJO Week 82
NOWWWWWWWWW, on with the paper-info! This is my version of MOJO MONDAY'S Week 82 sketch! I used my Sale-A-Bration paper and one of my new SUP! Mini-Occasion's stamp sets for the focal stamp image. I added a triple-dew-drop detail on the bottom right, can't hardly tell though, which is what I wanted. Just wanted to add a LITTLE texture, but not take away from the entirety of the card. The main colors on this one are Apricot Appeal, Bashful Blue and Certainly Celery. I began using Summer Sun, but it was just TOO much for this patterned paper set, so I went with the Apricot instead.
From Amy
I just loved getting this card! My birthday wasn't all that great and when Amy came over to drop this off to me, I had been laying down with a slight headache; so what a lovely card to wake to! I think she was lavishing my BAJA BREEZE blue fetish with this gorgeous combo of Baja and Kiwi Kiss and Taken with Teal, absolutely GORGEOUS!
She doesn't post her paper creations on her blog much, but she should! She's too humble! I am headed to the eye doctor and then will try to make ya something new this afternoon!
Monday, April 13
Good Evenin'
I had to make another 6 dozen cookies this morning for Eli's school celebration today, and had 6 loads of laundry to do just since FRIDAY when I did all the laundry that day! OHMY! I will post two bracelets that I made for a customer over the weekend. Miss K in Florida sends me beads that she purchases so that I can design them and string them up per her request! You may just enjoy seeing those, so I will post them next!
Sunday, April 12
Happy 7th Birthday, ELI !!!
Happy Easter!!!
It is also Eli's 7th birthday, so I will post those in a separate post next. ENJOY your EASTER!!
Saturday, April 11

Thursday, April 9
Dear Joyce, if you will notice in the previous post I had begun having issues with AUDIO advertisements of LYSOL and JET DRY, etc... well... I had NO idea where they were coming from, I hadn't done anything to my blog to cause these ads to suddenly appear... THEN MY SON, a computer GURU figured it out. And he figured out that the site that offered 'free' games to be put on blogs decided to allow advertisments! HOW ANNOYING! AND INAPPROPRIATE! I mean, really! Do you seriously want to hear people talking about spots in their clothing OR how to clean up a mess when blog hopping!? UGH!
SO, I had to remove that application to get rid of the advertising!! I am sorry that you miss that game, I DO TOO! And, I am JUST WAITING for my kids to figure out that when they go to 'Mommy's blog' to play the ball game, it isn't there! OH IT WILL BE BAD!!! Real, REAL BAD, let me tell ya! Apologies, again, Joyce! But, I hope that doesn't keep you from coming back! Hugs, Nicole
On another note, I have been sick this week, pretty much since Tuesday evening, which is why the posting is next to nothing. I have been suffering from a major sinus/headcold, but at least it isn't strep! Eli is sick a little bit, he didn't go to baseball practice or church last night with everyone else. He and I just sat and watched Scooby Doo together.
Nearly everyone is sick... KayLee is sniffing and has a sore throat, Josh is coughing and talking funny, and nearly losing his voice! OH and EVEN SCOTT, who NEVER gets sick, mind you, is actually feeling it, too! Maybe it is allergies, but I really don't think so. I don't think Josh would be coughing up colored stuff if it was just allergies. But then again, I could be wrong. The only one who hasn't shown one symptom of being yucky is Isaac! It is probably all that adrenalin from being excited about turning 4 finally that is keeping the sicky-bug away from him!
Well, all I have to say is that I hope Eli gets better by Sunday! Not because it is Easter, but because it is HIS 7th Birthday!! And, WHO wants to be sick on their birthday? I better run, the kids have off school tomorrow for Good Friday, so I am trying to get a lot of my normal 'Friday chores' done today so that maybe tomorrow we can go to the Zoo.... SHH! Don't tell them, though, I have to wait to see what the weather is going to be like before I get them all excited!
Wednesday, April 8
EDITED TO ADD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Josh, my computer GURU son, figured it out. Apparently the 'FUN' little game at the end of my blog had a new "AD" button on it! SO, whatever site I picked up the fun game from decided to hook up advertisements to it! WELL....... BYE BYE fun ball-game! My little kids are going to be soooooooo upset! THEY LOVED playing that game!
SheetLoad of Cards Design Team Call!
I mostly love how I have found so many new 'paper-friends' through SheetLoad from ALL over the world! SO, if you would like to consider signing up, CLICK HERE TO SEE the details on how to get started! Alicia gave me my first 'design team' position even though I had no prior experience. So, if you are thinking you need tons of experience, that is so not true! AND you will never know unless you give it a shot!
{Please note that if you are getting audio advertisements for Lysol or other products, I have NO idea how that is happening! I have done NOTHING since yesterday for that to start popping up for you to listen to! I am wondering if it is a blogger-thing! SORRY!}
Tuesday, April 7
Happy 4th Birthday, ISAAC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Yeah, I need to work on his color choices! HAHA!
Today was his 'special person' day at school, so this morning I managed to crank out 10 dozen cookies for the entire preschool, teachers and aides. Took over two hours, but apparently it was a HIT!
Sunday, April 5
Precious Scraps #5
Of course, I would have given Josh some of the same advice, but he probably wouldn't have taken it from ME, since I am 'the mom' and all! HAHA!
The paper is from My Mind's Eye again, which you can pick up at PRECIOUS SCRAPS, who I design for. Bev is working on getting an online store up and running, but until then, you can just email her to see if she can ship kits to you!
Don't forget to CLICK HERE (and then the long white bar!) and show me some love!
Saturday, April 4

ANYONE up for a challenge that includes winning GOODIES??? How about a $15 gift certificate to SheetLoad of Cards sister blog/company, SHORTCUTS?? That's right! All you have to do is to share your card(s) that you make using this month's April sketch/issue at SHEETLOAD OF CARDS and you may just walk away a winner! ShortCuts has some awesome items, you really need to go check out the blog {and then the store} to see what's in it for you!!
Go to THIS POST HERE for the details on how to hook up your challenge cards! I know it looks like work, but really, I have done it before, and it is EASY and so worth it when you are looking at the chance to win FREE SCHTUFF!! And, who can't use free stuff, am I right??
Scott is working at the Home Show in Evansville today and tomorrow, so wish me luck that I don't lose my mind with being home alone with the crazies! HAHA!
Friday, April 3
Here's three totally cute clear sets of stamps by GStudio! There's a Wedding set, a Baby set and a Thank You set, that will just be perfect for those little gift cards that we all seem to neglect making! Maybe these will be a happy reminder to you in your stamping studio!
You can also get an entry every single day by CLICKING HERE {or on the pink and green tent under my profile picture at left} every 24 hours! THEN click on the long white bar on the next page and find my banner (currently on the first page)!
Come back here to this Wed. Winner post and tell me my ranking! SO SIMPLE! I used to have you email me each day, but you don't need to do that anymore. Just commenting on this post with my ranking will work! NOW, if I notice the numbers don't match, I will figure it out and will not offer the opportunity to earn extra entries, SO BE HONEST!
Be sure to give me those awesome NEW ideas for Mother's Day! (Please don't post past items I have created! Let's GO with some FRESH IDEAS!) Could be jewelry related, gift related or paper-related! What would you like to see? On APRIL 15th, I will post the drawing of the winner with a couple of your suggestions already designed up! That is, IF I can manage to create some of your brilliant ideas! I will sure enjoy trying!
Such Grace
I ran and got the camera, had to run back and get the memory card out of the laptop and race to the front of the house to see if I had a chance to get a pic or two. This top one is what I got! Then I realized there were only three deer in the pic. I figured the fourth had already made it over the hill. UNTIL... I got back to the kitchen and looked outside again!
So sad, they left behind their friend, here! He's looking around thinking, "is that crazy lady going to take my picture, too? BUT, I have gained so much weight in my hips over the winter months, I just can't bear the thought of her shooting that!" SO, it stayed right there for a while, then sauntered over by the shed and went back into the woods.
No worries, though. Moments later, without camera in hand I saw it headed to meet up with it's friends by jumping OVER the 6 foot fence dividing my property and the city park that is aside it. WOW, such grace! I can't even walk without TRIPPING sometimes, and these animals just glide over 6+ feet in height! AMAZING! Just thought I would share!
(((SORRY for not posting the next WEDNESDAY WINNER! It is COMING UP SOON!!)))
Thursday, April 2

I LOVE SheetLoad because it shows you how to stretch your supplies while at the same time, it helps you make a lot of cards in a time efficient manner! I KNOW that some people are like ME and take forever to make just one card! SO, SheetLoad is like a breath of fresh air in helping you get a batch of cards made at once! ALL you have to do is change the sentiment and you have a different card for a new occasion!

Wednesday, April 1
Email me (you have the addy!) your snailmail and I will pop it in the mail for you tomorrow!
I will post the next WINNER GIVEAWAY this afternoon or tomorrow, at latest! Thanks again to everyone who voted and helped me back to the #2 ranking within 3 days! I am close to #1, but I am glad just to be on the first page in the top 20! If you click on the tent today and want an entry in the next Wed. Winner drawing, just leave a comment on this post letting me know my rank!
I will post the wed. winner later. I am even having issues with my camera (just another thing to add to my list right now!), so I will try it again and hopefully post it soon.
UNTIL THEN...... Please check out SheetLoad of Cards for their new April Issue!!
I don't have anything in this issue, this was my month off, but I have to tell you that the cards and projects are just stunning! SO, please go check it out! AND don't forget to take pictures of the cards you make with April's sketch so you can participate in the Shout Out to SheetLoad later this month! Alicia always has awesome goodies to give away for the most creative card!
Wednesday Winner update and Periphery Prayer
But, first, let me say that I am sorry I have been MIA for the past few days, I have been dealing with some issues at home which have been taking a mental-toll on me. And when that happens I usually go into my cave to recover. SO - on that note....
Marie: I haven't forgotten about you. I will email you today!
Chrissi: Yours is still under construction! Can't wait to see my apron, no rush, though! AND I hope your neck is better soon!
Julie: I am so glad I have met you! Your daily check-in is so welcomed and appreciated!
Angie: Thanks for all the voting support, EVERYWHERE you connect! HAHA!
Sheila: Check in my left hand column for my hobby room pictures.
I use 12x12 Cropper Hoppers and sort by company, like Basic Grey,
My Mind's Eye, Stampin' UP, SEI, etc!
Jen Z: That is plenty of time, no worries!
Cheryl: Got your moolah, thanks for that AND of course, for YOUR ORDER!!
I will send you jpegs for approval when I get them done!
Tiffany: THANKS for the order and I will send the pic of that bail soon!
Kris: Thanks for the 'e-peptalks', I NEEDED THEM!
Chas: THANKS for the pick-me-up-lunch yesterday, it was FANTASTIC!
So, on for the eyecandy! I made this more shabby-chic card over the weekend. I figured this would be a good sympathy card or just for someone who is going through a divorce or job transition. And BOY do I know of a lot of people doing that!
This card was made using Basic Grey's Periphery paper line. I just love that set, with all the masculine colors, but still with feminine detailing. Just beautiful! The sentiment is from the Thoughts and Prayers stamp set by Stampin' UP!, love that set!
I will be back later today to draw for the keybling! Be sure to get your last votes in by clicking on the CUTE PINK STRIPED TENT at left, seeing my rank and telling me my rank HERE ON THE WED WINNER POST! Don't forget to tell me your favorite jewelry item, too!