Wednesday, April 8

SheetLoad of Cards Design Team Call!

SheetLoad of Cards is looking to add four additional sample artists to its design team! If you are feelin' the call to apply.... Please do! I love working with Alicia, she has the schedule done way in advance so you know what to expect 'work'-wise and you get wonderful free sponsor goodies, too!

I mostly love how I have found so many new 'paper-friends' through SheetLoad from ALL over the world! SO, if you would like to consider signing up, CLICK HERE TO SEE the details on how to get started! Alicia gave me my first 'design team' position even though I had no prior experience. So, if you are thinking you need tons of experience, that is so not true! AND you will never know unless you give it a shot!

{Please note that if you are getting audio advertisements for Lysol or other products, I have NO idea how that is happening! I have done NOTHING since yesterday for that to start popping up for you to listen to! I am wondering if it is a blogger-thing! SORRY!}

Enjoy the day!

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