Friday, February 29
Awareness Swarovski Pearl Bracelet
Awareness Swarovski Crystal and Sterling Bracelet
Awareness 6mm Sterling Bracelet
Awareness Ribbon Watch
I had intended on signing up Isaac for our church's preschool which is just two days a week. But then found out that our own elementary school had a preschool program, too. So, after checking into it and finding out that the school only charged $10.00 more for four days, instead of two, it was a no-brainer. Isaac is wayyyyyyy behind with his speech, so he could use being around other kids in the afternoon when KayLee will be gone for kindergarten and has noone to play with. AND I am going to make Friday afternoons "OUR" day and spend the entire time with him to keep encouraging his speaking habits.
WOW, just think of how much crafting I can get done in 16hours a week! My husband may just have to stop vacuuming and laundering over the weekends beginning mid-August, too since I will have more time to clean as well! I have never seen him smile sooooo big!
Have a super day and check back to see the Awareness Jewelry items (with prices). You can reserve one or order one if they sell out, but the prices are going to be 20% off just tonight and at the CROPS, so grab them when you can!
Thursday, February 28
Things are fixed......
Website PRO-blem-O
This one is for Sandy!
MAN, will it never end?
Don't forget to vote! I am on the first page!!! I met my goal! BUT, I will only stay there as long as you vote. You may wonder why this is such a big deal to me. Well, this is a way to gain exposure from individuals and companies looking for artisan jewelry to sell. I hope someone picks up my jewelry line someday.... so, until then, VOTE or else! HA HA! JUST KIDDING! I appreciate those who have supported me with their votes! And remember, you may not go away empty handed, you could just win the ITEM OF THE WEEK. Look for it tonight... for now, I am gonna go make it!
Wednesday, February 27
HOWEVER, if you don't have a blog or website, just send out an email to your friends and family, and tell them to check out my BLOG, jewelry and paper~crafts at . Be sure to send your email TO ME, as well, so I can see that you did it. NOT that I think any of you all are dishonest, it is just a way to keep track of who should get more entries. If you do this, you will get 10 entries into this week's freebie drawing!!
In my experience word of mouth is the best way to advertise! And the cheapest. SO, when you are getting started with any business anything FREE is GOOD! I thought this would be a great and EASY way to help spread the word about Anderson Arts!
Tuesday, February 26
Eli's "E"
He wanted to do his initial like KayLee and Isaac's, so he opted for green which surprises me. He has always liked blue or orange. He planned out the placement of the flowers and thought of the idea of dotting his I with a flower... Yep, artistic like his mom! YEAH, he's cool! HA HA!

Yeah, I am in my late 30's now!
Monday, February 25
No Pic, Sorry!
Eli has strep... and did you know that the rash/hives he had this morning is called a "strep-rash"? I didn't even know there was such a thing! Throw some amoxicillin at him and he should be fine, thank goodness!
KayLee had so much fun going to the elementary school today to sign up and get tested for kindergarten next year. She tested well and will hopefully go to afternoon kindergarten, unless they end up going all-day by the beginning of the school year in the fall.
I have got to run and finish up the homemade icing for the cookies. I sent Josh to bed finally and told him that I would finish them up. He had his youth group meeting, as usual on Monday nights, so he couldn't do these earlier without me anyway. We had fun discussing baking things, like, "WHY do they call shortening, SHORTENING?" I told him he needed to google that one!
Sick-O's in the house!
So, I am enjoying the morning with the kids; First we played a dice/chip game called "Swipe" which was way too much fun! Then, KayLee wanted to finish up her "K" art project from last week, so we did that. We also practiced our tumbling in the living room and Eli is now a pocket-Yahtzee handheld Genius! He got three yahtzee's in one game bringing his highscore to 423! GEEZ O PETE! I sat with him and showed him how to play the game with just two games and he hasn't put it down! He is only 5 years old, you know!
I am so glad that I got tonight's Art Class project totally finished and ready YESTERDAY! For once I planned ahead and it paid off. I don't know why but I always procrastinate. I have always felt that I do my best work under pressure! Have a SUPAH DAY!!!!!
Sunday, February 24
Picture of Freebie....
PreSchool Art Class for Tues/Wed!
K-5th Grade Project for Tomorrow!
Did you ever notice that restaurants use RED in their interiors a lot? First and foremost it is used to give you the initial sense of warmth and welcoming. But, RED is also used to create that sense of "anxiousness: so that you want to get out of there asap, thus allowing MORE customers to frequent the dining room! If they actually wanted you to feel relaxed and stick around, they would use colors of blue, green or neutrals, which are more serene and calming; hence why those colors are used in places like hospitals and health spa's!
Color is just a fascinating thing to me; it can be used in so many ways for so many different reasons! COLOR ROCKS!
While I do KNOW that I make pretty darn nice QUALITY jewelry, it is scary to order hundreds of dollars of sterling, watch faces, Swarovski crystals and pearls. Even if I estimate that only 10% of the croppin' supporters will want to purchase an Awareness jewelry item to support the CROP for the CURE, that is 50 people. And what if they want earrings AND a bracelet or watch? I only have 15 pairs of the earrings available! Poor planning or prudent spending? I don't know. I would not know what to do with 100 sets of Awareness Ribbon sterling earrings, if they didn't sell out! I know I can always order more and send them out to the ladies later, but I just know how I am sometimes... if it isn't available RIGHT THEN, I don't want to 'order' and 'wait' and deal with picking up/dropping off later, so I just don't bother.
If anyone has any helpful suggestions, please email me! I still have time to order more, and make more, just not sure if I should do it. I guess I can always see how the first crop goes on 3/1, and then order more for the crop on 3/15, of course the second crop isn't sold out like the first. I know how true scrappers are, too... they would rather take $25 and spend it on paper and ribbon than spend it on sterling, ha ha! So, depending on how passionate they are about their hobby I may even get stuck with the 40 items I have now! Oh, well, I guess this year will be a good test run for next year! Hopefully I will raise enough money that they will ask me back again to supply the gals with a new Awareness collection to choose from!
Saturday, February 23
GoRgEouS NeCkLacE!
Gotta go for now, be back with a post of Kathie's necklace later!
Still on Page [3] & Necklaces
I made two of the most beautiful necklaces last night for Kathie and Sandy. They are coming your way at wholesale cost, since you had to wait too long for them. Mostly not my fault since it took 2 months to get get the lampwork beads here, but partially I feel responsible since it is ridiculous to have you wait so long! So, cheap-o prices for EXCELLENT items, my gift to you for being so patient. I will post pictures of these two beauties some time today!
See, good things DO FINALLY come to those who wait!! (AND with inexpensive price tags, as well!) I am off to get beading for new items for the Armory and another craft/art show coming up.
Friday, February 22
Voting 'HINT'
EDIT 1:01pm: I am now on Page [3], ranked #58... THANKS for the votes!
EDIT: 4:30pm: I am still on Page [3], ranked #52... but you still need to vote to be entered!
EDIT: 7:28pm on Saturday: I am on page [2], ranked #40! but you still need to vote and email me to be entered into the next drawing!!
Thursday, February 21
Got the urge to play with PAPER!
Plans Ruined!
It seems like everytime I turn around my plans to tackle the beads gets ruined! UGHHHHHH! I feel the 'need to bead'! And when I act on these 'creative~juices' I always end up being able to get so much more done in a shorter length of time than when I am feeling normal! So, I am feeling a little stiffled at this point. Oh well, maybe this is God's way of telling me to slow down and smell the roses, if you know what I mean. Josh is only going to be home for 18 more months before heading off to college; and KayLee starts elementary school officially next year with kindergarten; and Isaac (the baby, turning 3 in April) is going to be in school before long, as well.
So, upon posting this blog entry I am going to take advantage of their 1/2 day off and rev up the oven, bake some cupcakes with the kids' help of mixing, stirring, pouring and icing. Doesn't that sound better than ignoring them by plopping them in front of a Disney movie? Well, then again, THEY may like the Disney movies enough to watch them again, but I know they will enjoy creating a special dessert for Daddy to have tonight after supper, too!
Wednesday, February 20
Keepin' on Keepin' ON!
Mr. Postman delivered the cards that I had designed and printed up on Saturday night for the CROP in E'ville on 3/1 and 3/15! SO, I used up 3 boxes of glue-dots attaching my business cards to the "cards" to get them ready for the 500 "goody bags" that all of the croppin' participants will be receiving when they check in! WOO HOO!
I am really enjoying my new laptop! It is sooooo cool to be in the kitchen watching American Idol, giving the little ones their evening snack, while typing an update on blogger! Love that!
I will be tackling the final orders that I have outstanding tomorrow and Friday. SO, if you are expecting a call, you won't have to wait much longer! I need to get these wrapped up so I can focus on getting things ready for the Jasper Armory Arts and Crafts Show on 3/8 and 3/9. I am getting tired fast, that is all I know! If I can't get things together by this weekend, I may not do the Armory Show; the following weekend 3/1 is the CROP where I am selling Awareness jewelry to raise money for the Susan G Komen CROP for the CURE, so this coming weekend is all I have left to work on jewelry for the 3/8 show. Right now, I don't have enough to sell at the Armory to participate, so I might as well take that weekend off and relax if I can't get more ready before then!
I need to prep for next week's art classes before Monday, too. I have the projects planned, but not totally prepped and ready, SO I will need to do that before any more jewelry is strung and ready! How does that saying go...
Tuesday, February 19
OK! THEN on Monday morning prepped for the art class, and then went to Staples to get the ink cartridge. THEN found a laptop I wanted. Then left. Then went back and bought it. THEN raced to Monday night's art class. HAD A BLAST! THEN came home and stayed up till 11pm getting software installed on it. THEN WENT TO BED. WHEW! I honestly think I fell asleep before turning off the light because I don't remember doing it! HA HA!
TODAY, it is Tuesday today, right? HA! TODAY I cleaned like a crazy woman. We had an appraiser come in to the house, long story there. But of course when someone like that comes in you don't want them to see it NOT CLEAN, so I cleaned from 7am to noon, took KayLee to preschool, came home, had the appraisal at 1pm, went to Walmart, came home, unloaded groceries, picked UP KayLee at preschool, came home, talked to Josh about school, took a shower, made supper, left for tonight's pre-school art class, HAD A BLAST, came home and FINALLY got on the internet and realized ......... TUESDAY!!!! I can't believe it! That "Great American's Day" holiday threw everything off!
TOMORROW: Teach PreSchool art class at 9am, take the kiddo's to lunch, come home, take a nap with kids! HA HA! I doubt that will happen! Anyway, I have sooooo enjoyed teaching these art classes! I can't even believe I get PAID to do it! What a bonus!
I will give ya details later! FOR NOW, I HAVE TO GO TO BED! I am EXHAUSTED!
Saturday, February 16
ANYHOO, I will be beading my little fingers off tomorrow and prepping for Monday's art class as well. Other than that, it looks as if I have a TON of stuff to do~jewelrywise. I have my work cut out for me, that is FOR SURE!
Thursday, February 14
I managed to get everything from stamp sets, baby albums, stickers and more packed in the van just to turn around and unpack it all at her house 30 minutes later! Oh well, I hope some gals found some things they feel they could use in their own scrap-space. It was difficult to part with some items, but I figure, why not spread the love? I could have kept more than I did, but that just gives me an excuse to get more later! HA HA!
Just before heading home, one of my friends (CHAS!) managed to get her van stuck in Tiffany's now muddy yard. So, Tiffany, Kelly and I heaved and ho'd to get her out, but no luck. Had to call the neighbor to come get her out finally! So, that made the evening quite interesting and one of those moments that you will find yourself laughing about when you are in the nursing home with nothing to do except watching gameshows and soap operas.
I began preparing for the weekend's beading bonanza. I have almost all of the items needed to get the Awareness Jewelry ready for THE CROP next month. I also need to prep a new project for the K-5th grade class since it was cancelled and we were making Valentine's Day cards. Can't do that next week, so I have to come up with something else for them on Monday. Should be an exciting and BUSY weekend, I can't wait!
Tuesday, February 12
Bummed BigTime
Monday, February 11
3-5 year old's project
This looks kinda tricky for little kids, but isn't. They are going to be taught warm (red, orange, yellow) and cool (green, blue, purple) colors and then collage some torn up papers on their first name's initial. Then I will cover it with the negative cut out from their monogram, glue it on a coordinating (warm/cool) colored background paper and add their name with rub-ons and let them punch a flower or two. I did my son's name here, since KayLee will be going this week with me. Some of the moms and dads are staying to help their own kids, so I won't have to do it totally alone, so it won't be bad at all! I can't wait to share my love for color and paper!
Sunday, February 10
Barely Alive!
Plus, I don't think it would be a good idea to scare all of the children at this week's three art classes! I have been prepping in between taking naps, resting with a DVD and soaking my feet. I love pampering myself, I should do it more often! I will be posting the projects for the classes AFTER the classes take place. I have some friends who enrolled their kids into my classes and I want the the kids to show the projects to their moms and dads first! Seeing them on this blog would just pop their bubbles!
Friday, February 8
Merry Christmas, Mom!
Thursday, February 7
I am going to go try a Day-Quil, my hubby says it worked for him very well last year, so I might as well give it a shot. I don't like doing meds unless I absolutely have to. I think I have come to that point now.... Hope you are getting ready for the weekend! It is JUST around the corner!
Wednesday, February 6
Monday, February 4
Lampwork: All of the lampwork beads in my jewelry designs are handcrafted by lampwork artists that specialize in paying attention to detail and quality. I do not order through vendors, I would rather pay another artist for their talent! Lampwork beads are made by melting rods of glass with a torch, wrapping molten glass around a stainless steel rod, called a mandrel. Once the initial glass bead is accomplished, skinny glass sticks, called stringers are then melted to add the bubbles, swirls, flowers, dots, etc. These details are either melted INTO the base bead, or are just applied and then left alone to be a 'raised' detail on the bead. Using different colors of glass gives the beads an almost painted~effect. During the creation of a lamped bead, glass temperatures reach well over 900 degrees Fahrenheit! Once the bead is decorated and considered finished by the lampwork artist, the bead is then placed in a computerized kiln and slowly cooled over a period of 12 hours. This process keeps the bead from cooling too quickly and ensures the bead will be durable and resist easy breakage! Aren't they lovely? I consider them to be miniature works of art, and is the reason why I LOVE incorporating them into my jewelry line.
Sterling Silver: ALL of the silver details in my jewelry pieces are sterling silver, NOTHING silver-plated is ever used. These items include toggles, balls, beadcaps, spacers, earwires/studs, stringing wire and even the more ornate sterling beads, known as Bali beads, are handmade in Bali, Indonesia. Also note that I use only seamless silver beads. This means that the smooth silver bead is made round and then soldered together at the seam. There are seamless-look silver beads available at a lesser price, but when placed under pressure they will split and fall apart at the seam. I use only seamless beads and the best sterling findings available so my jewelry will withstand regular wear for use everyday!
Swarovski Crystals & Swarovski Pearls: The Austrian Swarovski Company has been a leading manufacturer of cut crystal since 1895! They are known to be the producer of the most brilliant crystals available in the world to date due to their superior cutting and polishing techniques. I do not incorporate lower-quality Czech beads than many designers use to keep their profit margin high. Swarovski Pearls are beautiful, natural-looking pearls whose coatings are resistant to scratches, sun-fading, perfumes and perspiration. These pearls will not peel like the coating on glass pearls. Each Swarovski Pearl has a genuine Swarovski Crystal as its' center core to give it added strength and sparkle!
Wire: All of my necklaces and bracelets are strung on a 49-strand wire! This cord is a miniature cable made up of 49 individual strands of wire, which are then twisted together and nylon coated for a smooth feel. This is the finest stringing-wire available and has a durable 24.9 lb. weight strength! This wire allows more flexibility and has a very high resistance to kinking, thus keeping your bracelet or necklace from falling apart!
Sunday, February 3
White Chocolate ~ YUM!

Summer Florals for YA!

Pink & Brown!!!
Margarita... WITH or WITHOUT the salt?

Are you ready for some FOOTBALL?
I am NOW headed to work on a project for my lampwork artist/friend Jen who donated the Awareness lampwork beads for the silent auctions in March. She just had a baby, named ANDERSON, what irony, so I am going to make something for his room. I will post it when I get it done! I am also giving her a collection of my greeting cards as well. She likes paper crafts, but is just NOW starting to scrap since she had her first baby, of course!
Have a FUN evening.... OH, look at what I just picked up.... ANY TAKERS?

Friday, February 1
Spring Collection
I just ordered 16 new SETS of beads to design into some new fabulous jewelry pieces! They are sure to please any taste. From waterlillies to lime margaritas, there will be a style for everyone!! I am super excited to bring these to your new spring and summer wardrobes! They will be sure to add that finishing touch to any clothing ensemble! And, if you don't like them, just more for me to wear! HA HA HA! (I'm sure my hubby doesn't appreciate that!)
IF you would like to be able to see (and thus purchase) the finished Spring Collection FIRST before I post them online as available for sale, then PLEASE email me or post a comment and I will add you to my list of subscribers. ALSO NOTE that I will be putting out an electronic monthly newsletter beginning this month, too. Topics will include the 'up and coming' Anderson Arts items, information on jewelry and paper~crafts and just simple tips and techniques on lampwork AND paper for those of you who are interested in these styles of artwork. I may even add a scrapbook section, since as of tonight, I will be re-entering the scrapbook world with my friends, Kelly and Tiffany (links at left)! I have too many children and too many photos to NOT scrap them into keepsake photo albums!
While Anderson Arts mostly encompases lampwork styled jewelry, I can't deny my true lust for PAPER and RUBBER as well! SO, I am going to try to even it out a bit by dragging myself away from the beading side of the Hobby Room to the flip-side of stamping and paper more often!
Please email (addy at left) or comment on this post if you would like to receive my monthly newsletter "Access Anderson Arts" and/or be on the mailing list for the "Early Offerings Email" which will show pictures of the NEW items that will be available for purchase before public-posting!