Thursday, June 19

Shout OUT to SheetLoad!

Here's another Shout OUT to remind you to check out SheetLoad of Cards blog! They have some AWESOME BLOG CANDY you can try to win right now, too!

Be sure to check out the left hand column... SEE anyone you know???? YEP, that's right! It's little ol' me! I have been added as a new sketch designer and will be helping implement a new SheetLoad-offering. SheetLoad usually has just one new sketch posted on the first of every month. Well, now Ann and myself will be switching out months with an added new sketch on the 15th of every month! There were quite a few people who requested more than just one sketch a month, and Alicia listened! Ann's sketch is first in July and mine will debut on August 15th, so be sure to check it out!

Don't forget to get in on the Blog Candy!


JenMarie said...

They are fortunate to have you on their team!!

Anonymous said...

Congrat's on the new Sheetload DT! :)

Ann said...

I can't wait to see your first issue Nicole!! :)
