Friday, November 23

Gobble Gobble....

IS ALL I DID YESTERDAY! I just love pumpkin pie with whipped cream! My hubby and I took the three little ones (Josh went to his Grandma's on his Dad's side - I am re-married for those new readers out there!) to his mom and dad's for Thanksgiving. He stayed up there with the kids to visit, but since I have the art/craft show this weekend, it was a short trip for me. We got to his mom's about 12:30pm and I returned home about 12 hours later! Now that doesn't sound bad until you realize that his mom and dad live 3 1/2 hours away in northern Indiana!! But the food was worth the drive alone! Gobble Gobble!!!!

SO, needless to say, I am pooped. Josh and I got set up for this weekend's show out at the Armory today. I have tons of room since it looks like people around me cancelled. This gave me the ability to add an additional table and spread everything out! It makes everything look nicer I think, with the jewels not being so squished together. I am looking forward to it, but then again I can't wait for it to be over so I can start getting into the Christmas spirit with less stress and more play-time with the kids!

I made some new goodies today.... a couple of necklaces, some watches and some totally AWESOME (with a capital A) keychains. The keychains are even sterling silver! They are a steal. I didn't realize that the keychain itself was so expensive until I pulled the invoice. I should add on another 6-9 just for the keychain, I was way off in my guessing on that one! OH WELL, I am too lazy to pull them out and re-price now, I need to go to bed!!

I would post a keychain but my honey has the camera with him up north! The show tomorrow is 10-5pm, by the way! I will post a pic of one Sunday evening UNLESS they all sell by then! You better come see them before they are gone! Sunday's show is 10-4pm. I hope to see you all there!!

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