Sunday, November 11

Today's the Day!

Here we go, well....... Off to bed first. It is 1:41am and just going to bed! I have finally finished the last few details and can sleep softly! Set up is at 9am, so I better run. My dear hubby actually helped me label, stuff, glue and clean. Bless his heart. I might have to go wake him, heh heh.

I love my friend, Amy. She is going to help me tomorrow at the show and she came by today and wished me well with a hand-made card (of course!) and a present. SHE IS SO WONDERFUL, always there to support me when I need it and to help me laugh when I am down. She's the best!

I will fill you in on how the show went when I return. I just hope I don't get cleaned out or I won't have anything left for the next show! Have a SUPAH Sunday and I will post soon!

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